Angaben laut EU-Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR):
Würth Elektrogroßhandel GmbH & Co. KG
Produktbereich PROTEC.class und
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 21-39
65760 Eschborn / Ts.
Telefon: +43 0 61 96 / 477- 895
PROTEC.class PSI D02 25A E18 fuse 10 pieces
D01/ D02 Safety inserts D0 as a neozed system in ceramic design, according to DIN WDE 0636-3, gg - whole range cable and cable protection / whole range protection for general purposes, rated voltage 400W AC / 250W DC, contact cap at PSI D01 2A to PSI D02 35A: nickel plated, contact cap at PSI D02 50A to PSI D02 63A: silver plated
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