Distribution installation

Siemens 5ST3788-0 Endkappe für Stiftsammelschiene 10 Stück berührungssicher
Siemens 5ST3788-0 Endkappe für Stiftsammelschiene 10 Stück berührungssicher
2-5 days
Endkappe für Stiftsammelschiene 10 Stück berührungssicher Zusatzkomponenten für Fehlerstrom-Schutzeinrichtungen und Leitungsschutzschalter von Siemens. Die Zusatzkomponenten von Siemens sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil der SENTRON Schutzgeräte für die Elektroinstallation. Als Zubehör für FI- und Leitungsschutzschalter bieten sie viele Möglichkeiten zur Realisierung diverser Funktionen. Ob für Infrastruktur oder industrielle Anwendungen, Siemens bietet das richtige Zubehör für alle FI- und Leitungsschutzschalter. So haben Sie für jede Anforderung das passende Gerät. Das Siemens Zubehör für Fehlerstrom- und Leitungsschutzschalter zeichnet sich vor allem aus durch: 1. Universelle Anbaubarkeit aller Zusatzkomponenten. 2. Komfortable und einfache Montage- sowie Anschlusstechnik. 3. Zuverlässige Sicherheit bei der Installation dank standardmäßigem Berührungsschutz. 4. Optimale Technik für Ihre Sicherheit - nur von Siemens. www.siemens.de/lowvoltage. Siemens bietet für die sichere, effiziente elektrische Infrastruktur in Gebäuden und Industrie ein durchgängiges Portfolio an Schutz-, Schalt-, Mess- und Überwachungsgeräten, Verteilersysteme sowie Schaltern und Steckdosen.
Siemens 5ST3655 Berührungsschutz
Siemens 5ST3655 Berührungsschutz
2-5 days
Contact protection for free connections yellow Additional components for fault current protection devices and circuit protection switches of Siemens. The additional components of Siemens are an important part of the SENTRON protection devices for electrical installation. As an accessory for FI and cable protection switches, they offer many possibilities for implementing various functions. Whether for infrastructure or industrial applications, Siemens offers the right accessories for all FI and circuit breakers. So you have the right device for each requirement. The Siemens Accessories for fault current and line circuit breakers are distinguished in particular by: 1. 2. Comfortable and easy assembly and connection technology. 3. Reliable safety during installation thanks to standard touch protection. 4. Optimum technology for your safety - only from Siemens. www.siemens.de and low voltage. Siemens provides a comprehensive portfolio of protection, switching, measuring and monitoring equipment, distribution systems and switches and sockets for safe, efficient electrical infrastructure in buildings and industry.
Siemens 5SH4363 NEOZED screw cap porcelain size D02, 63A
Siemens 5SH4363 NEOZED screw cap porcelain size D02, 63A
2-5 days
NEOZED screw cap porcelain size D02, 63A safety systems NEOZED and DIAZED with extensive accessories. The NEOZED and DIAZED backup system of Siemens as an important component of the SENTRON protection components for electrical installation offers effective personal, device and plant protection through safe disconnection in the overload and short circuit case. It is mainly used in distribution technology and in industrial switching systems. The system is laity-operable and also approved for house installation. The Siemens NEOZED and DIAZED are characterized primarily by: 1. 2. Lock inserts from 2 A to 100 A in different operating classes. 3. Base designs in classic screw-socket technology. 4. Proven quality since 1906. www.siemens.de/sicherungen. Siemens provides a comprehensive portfolio of protective, switching, measuring and monitoring equipment, installation distributors and switches and sockets for safe, efficient electrical infrastructure in buildings and industry.
Siemens 5ST3674-0 PensaS 1p/N 12x Comp. 12%
Siemens 5ST3674-0 PensaS 1p/N 12x Comp. 12%
2-5 days
Pensa.bar compact, 10mm2 connection 1p/N 12x compact device 1 TE non-contact 12 TE solid length additional components for fault current protection devices and circuit breakers of Siemens. The additional components of Siemens are an important part of the SENTRON protection devices for electrical installation. As an accessory for FI and cable protection switches, they offer many possibilities for implementing various functions. Whether for infrastructure or industrial applications, Siemens offers the right accessories for all FI and circuit breakers. So you have the right device for each requirement. The Siemens Accessories for fault current and line circuit breakers are distinguished in particular by: 1. 2. Comfortable and easy assembly and connection technology. 3. Reliable safety during installation thanks to standard touch protection. 4. Optimum technology for your safety - only from Siemens. www.siemens.de and low voltage. Siemens provides a comprehensive portfolio of protection, switching, measuring and monitoring equipment, distribution systems and switches and sockets for safe, efficient electrical infrastructure in buildings and industry.
Siemens 5TE6800 SCHUKO socket 16A according to DIN VDE 0620 for distributor installation
Siemens 5TE6800 SCHUKO socket 16A according to DIN VDE 0620 for distributor installation
2-5 days
SCHUKO socket 16A according to DIN VDE 0620 for distributor installation switching devices for DIN rail mounting for controlling electrical systems. Switching devices for mounting the hat rails Siemens as an important component of the SENTRON components for electrical installation are used in control cabinets and distributors for switching, switching and switching of small loads. Whether with remote or manual switching, latching or touching function, for infrastructure or industrial requirements - Siemens offers switching devices for all applications and any field of application. Comfortable assembly and connection technology, uniform accessories and a continuous design - these are the characteristics of the device family. The switching devices of Siemens are characterized primarily by: 1. Extensive applications for switching and keys of small loads. 2. Easy to assemble and exchangeable accessories in wide variety. 3. Space-saving and simple hat rail mounting. 4. Combination with remote switch possible. 5. Reliable safety during installation thanks to standard grip and touch protection. 6. Optimum technology for your safety - only from Siemens. www.siemens.de/switchgeraete. Siemens provides a comprehensive portfolio of protection, switching, measuring and monitoring equipment, distribution systems and switches and sockets for safe, efficient electrical infrastructure in buildings and industry.